A Free Methodist Congregation
Get Involved
Volunteer Opportunuties
We offer a number of ways that you can volunteer and become more connected to our church

Worship and Production Teams
We are looking to add to our Sunday Worship & Support Team. This includes musicians and singers for the Praise Band, sound technicians for the sound board, people to run ProPresenter and slides/videos for worship.

Cornerstone Kids
and Youth
If you have a heart for kids or youth, this is the place for you. Ministry areas include Nursery, Bible & Life Time classes for children and youth ages Pre-K through 8th grade, Youth Group, along with family Connect & Outreach events.

Community Group Facilitators and Hosts
Small community groups are the heartbeat of Cornerstone. They are a place to build friendships and grow your faith. You may be interested in facilitating or just hosting a group in your home.

Guest Services
This group of servants offers a warm smile, a friendly greeting, a welcome gift, or a guiding hand to guests to our worship celebrations. It includes Greeters and Ushers.

Prayer and Care Ministries
Our Prayer Team meets regularly to pray for our church, people, and needs. The Care Team meets practical needs of people during challenging times. For example, participants may give a ride, share a meal, send a card, offer a prayer, or simply be a friend with a listening ear.

Financial and Facilities Teams
This is a great place to serve if you prefer behind the scenes work, have abilities working with finances, or are gifted with maintaining buildings and grounds.